DNBC Biological Samples
The DNBC has collected biological samples from mothers and children in the project. The samples are stored in the Danish National Biobank and are available for research.
During the initial phase of the DNBC (1996-2002) biological samples were collected from the pregnant women and from the umbillical cord at childbirth.
Two pregnancy samples and one umbillical cord sample
- Two samples were collected from mothers at the general practitioner's during the 1st (from approx. 90,000 individuals) and 2nd (from approx. 70,000 individuals) gestational trimester.
- One sample was collected from the child's umbillical cord at birth (from approx 60,000 individuals).
- DNA is also available for all participants.
Samples were shipped to Statens Serum Institut by ordinary mail and are stored as buffy coat, plasma and filter paper.
Samples from DNBC sub-cohorts
Projects using sub-cohorts in the DNBC have collected supplementary samples, e.g. semen samples, stool and blood from celiac-patiens and blood from psoriasis- and gestational diabetes cases.
We are currently working to document these sample collections and make them available for research.
Derived data
Several projects have generated GWAS, EWAS, PFOS measurements, microbiom data, and thyroid stimulating hormone data.
We are currently working to document such data and make them available for research.
DNBC samples are available for research
Samples are stored in the Danish National Biobank. All samples collected during the initial phase from the entire cohort are available for research. You can search for samples in the Biobank Registry.
Contact the DNBC Secretariat for more information
Write to dnbc-research@ssi.dk, if you want to know more about DNBC samples and how to apply for access.